method development

Publications: Our Academic Work

We are very proud of the academic work we undertake, and we have been assigned authorship on the following articles by our academic collaborators:


  • C-Type Natriuretic Peptide (CNP) Inhibition of Interferon-γ-Mediated Gene Expression in Human Endothelial Cells In Vitro (click here to read article)


  • Detection of equine atypical myopathy-associated hypoglycin A in plant material: Optimisation and validation of a novel LC-MS based method without derivatization (click here to read article)


  • Atypical myopathy-associated hypoglycin A toxin remains in sycamore seedlings despite mowing, herbicidal spraying or storage in hay and silage (click here to read article)


  • Detection of hypoglycin A and MCPA-carnitine in equine serum and muscle tissue: Optimisation and validation of a LC-MS–based method without derivatization (click here to read article)


Our laboratory manager, Dr. Carolyn Hyde has over 20 years’ experience in developing methods using HPLC and LC-MS and other instruments. During her career at University College London (and currently at BioAnalysis Centre) she has helped several hundred researchers and biotech organisations solve their analytical challenges using mass spectrometry, HPLC, FPLC and SPR. 

Dr. Carolyn Hyde has certainly been involved in many studies, and the above articles are some examples of her work. 

“I have always enjoyed working on different projects with different people, and am gratified when they acknowledge my help by including me as an author” – Dr. Carolyn Hyde

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