8 Essential Laboratory Skills 

Laboratory technicians are the “behind-the-scenes” professionals, who perform tests and experiments for research or diagnostic purposes. They help researchers and doctors reach conclusions and provide a better service/treatment for patients, respectively. To be a successful laboratory technician, certain skills are fundamental to get accurate and reliable results. 

essential laboratory skills

Essential laboratory skills

  1. Attention to detail

You must be precise in your measurements, calculations, pipetting to ensure your data is valid and accurate. One minor mistake can lead to false results. 

2. Time management

Working in a laboratory entails different assignments at the same time. Moreover, certain samples have a time-frame in which they should be analysed. Hence, you should be able to prioritise tasks and manage your time so tasks can be completed on time.

    3. Communication

Labs are composed of teams, you will work with scientists, doctors and other professionals, therefore communication is important. You should have excellent verbal and written skills so others can understand your interpretations and lab results.

    4. Pipetting

One of the most common lab techniques. Mastering your pitteting skills is essential to get accurate results. Even though the process of pipetting is simple, it requires proper technique and focus. This skill is necessary to work in a laboratory. 

    5. Sterilisation

Different chemicals, substances, samples are used in the laboratory therefore sterilisation of solutions and equipment is critical to prevent contamination. 

    6. Safety

Laboratory safety is critical, especially because laboratory staff frequently handle hazardous materials and expensive equipment. Normally, each laboratory has its own safety rules and protocols. 

    7. Teamwork 

As mentioned before, lab technicians work in teams, so teamwork is fundamental in order for tests to perform well and to obtain accurate data. 

    8. Patience

This quality is key. Results may take hours, days, however there are certain tasks you can do while waiting: conduct safety check-up of laboratory equipment; clean; count stock; organise upcoming tasks. 

We offer a Lab Skills Training Course which will teach you all the basic skills needed to be a successful lab technician such as pipetting, proper use of balances, centrifuge, PLT, etc.

 It is a great opportunity for you to develop some of the skills mentioned above. You will get the chance to familiarise yourself with a laboratory environment. Moreover, you will be trained by our laboratory manager who has over 20 years of experience and will answer any questions you may have. 

You can find more information about our lab skills course here


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